Registered NDIS Provider

What are psychosocial issues that NDIS consider?

Australians living with psychosocial issues can experience a range of challenges that severely impact their life, especially in communities where there is a lack of social awareness of these disabilities. But what exactly are psychosocial issues and how can you get supports from NDIS to help with disabilities?

Defining Psychosocial Issues

Psychosocial issues, or psychosocial disabilities, is a term that refers to the disabilities that may arise due to mental health issues. Mental health issues or conditions can refer to a range of symptoms (such as personality issues, psychotic or compulsive disorders, anxiety and mood swings) and can be temporary or lifelong.

While not everyone with a mental health condition has psychosocial disabilities, people who do can face difficulties doing everyday tasks. These can include challenges with communication and social inclusion, finding suitable housing and employment and maintaining their physical health. As a result, some people with psychosocial disabilities may need regular or ongoing mental health treatment services to recover or cope with their daily struggles.  

How NDIS Helps with Psychosocial Disabilities

The NDIS is set up to work with existing community-based NDIS providers like Enaaly to support people with psychosocial disabilities and a way that promotes their recovery and wellness. We want our clients facing psychosocial issues to be able to achieve an optimal state of personal, social and emotional well-being and help them achieve their goals. 

Due to the variability of mental health conditions, NDIS plans for people with psychosocial disabilities are designed to be flexible and accommodating with your budget to increase or decrease depending on your eligibility and individual needs. Your NDIA planner will help you revise your plan periodically so that you have the freedom to choose the supports you need.

How to Apply Support for Psychosocial Disabilities

To include supports in your NDIS plan to help with your psychosocial disabilities, you will need to prove the permanency of your disability, as well as the need for support. This includes supplying an Evidence of Psychosocial Disability form, which process on how it can get approved can be found on the NDIS webpage. 

The form contains:

  • Current and past treatment information
  • Details about any impairments resulting from a mental health condition
  • Medication and other supports
  • Professional assessments of current life skills and the impact of the condition on your daily life. 

To complete the form, you will need the help of two professionals who work with you and understand your condition, generally a psychologist or doctor, and a support worker. 

Your eligibility for the NDIS for your psychosocial disabilities will depend on how severely these disabilities impact your daily life in matters of communication, social interaction, learning, mobility, self-care and self-management.  However, if you have explored clinical treatment options to resolve your mental health issues and require lifelong support to participate in the community and/or work, then you are more likely to get approval for supports on your NDIS plan for your psychosocial disabilities.  

Enaaly is Here to Support You

Here at Enaaly, we can help you get the supports you need for your psychosocial disabilities and assist you to live independently and productively. 

We can:

  • Provide targeted support and guidance to help you set and work towards your goals
  • Develop your personal skills, confidence and independence
  • Help connect you with your local community
  • Provide coping mechanisms to help with daily life, including housekeeping and budgeting
  • Assist you in accessing support services, such as health, housing or family support
  • Support you in training and specialised employment services

For more information on our services and how you can apply eligibility for supports for your psychosocial issues, contact us today.

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