Registered NDIS Provider

Disability Royal Commission

Disability Royal Commission Logo

The Disability Royal Commission was established in April 2019 as a result of community concern regarding widespread reports of violence, neglect, abuse, and exploitation of people with disability. The incidents may have occurred recently or previously. 

You can find out more information on the roles and responsibilities of the Disability Royal Commission here.

Enaaly acknowledges and welcomes the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability. 

Our highest priority is safeguarding and supporting people with disability in the community and when they participate with any Enaaly-related activity. This is and will remain our focus throughout this period and in every decision that we make.

Feedback and Complaints to Enaaly 

We welcome all feedback and complaints and take your concerns seriously. We will always respond quickly and respectfully to all feedback or any concerns raised.

Click here to provide feedback or make a complaint.

If you would like help completing a form or would like to provide feedback in a different way, please contact us at 1300 854 510 (business hours) or email [email protected]

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