Registered NDIS Provider

What to prepare when going to your plan review meetings?

Lady with disability consulting with a staff member

If you are an NDIS participant, chances are you’ll need to reassess or have already made changes to your NDIS plan. Whether you need more supports, less supports or different supports, changing your plan means attending a plan review meeting. But what exactly does a plan review meeting involve? 

What to Expect in a Plan Review Meeting

A plan review meeting is your chance to look back on your last NDIS plan and adjust it so that it better fits your current situation. Depending on how much or how little you want to change, you might only need to vary your current plan slightly or you might even need a brand new plan.  

As an NDIS participant, you will have a scheduled plan review meeting with your NDIA planner every 12 months to check on whether or not your plan is still helping you work towards your goals. You can also request a plan review meeting yourself at any time if your plan no longer meets your needs. 

Your plan review meeting can be face-to-face, over the phone, or through video call. No matter your preference, your provider will work with what you suit best. You also have the option to invite supports along to your check-in, which may be a family member, friend, or Support Coordinator.

Preparing for a Plan Review Meeting

In most cases, your NDIS provider will contact you towards the end of your current plan and ask some pre-screening questions which will help you prepare for your review. If there is not a lot to change about your plan, your NDIA planner can spend more time checking in with you and your progress and answer any questions you might have about your supports.

If you would like to go ahead with reassessing your plan, your NDIA planner will schedule your full plan review for you or you can request an unscheduled full plan review. In either case, we will work closely with you to help you understand the type of information, including reports and assessments, we will need you to provide for the meeting. 

You should also consider these key questions before heading into your meeting: 

  • What works well and is not working well in your current NDIS plan?
  • Is your current plan helping you work toward your goals? 
  • Which goals would you like to continue pursuing and which ones would you like to change?
  • What supports would like to add or change from your current plan?
  • Would you like to change the way your current plan funding is managed?
  • Would you like your plan to run longer than 12 months?
  • Will you continue to require NDIS support in the future?

What Happens After the Plan Review Meeting? 

After a plan review has been conducted, the NDIA will create a new plan for you. How long this stage of the plan review takes depends on the specific circumstances of each NDIS participant, and the circumstances which prompted the review. This will also be a time for the NDIA to evaluate the effectiveness of your plan in how they help you move towards your specific goals and aspirations.

In all stages of the plan review process, Enaaly is always there to make sure you are supported and feel confident in your decisions. We want the best for our clients and make sure they are getting the correct support for their needs, and plan reviews can help make sure that your needs are being met.

For more information on how to prepare for a plan review meeting, feel free to contact us. 

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